
Trying my wings in uncharted waters....love to write stories, poems, comments on life in general...please leave a comment if you want.....

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Location: Pinellas Park, Tampa Bay, United States

I have always loved to write. Little stories, big stories, poetry..it's all good.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Just Playing A Bit

I have such a problem with techno things..all butter fingers. I'm sad, over here my pig does not fly! I had finally conquered FTP space and made my gifs move on AOL...what's the deal here? Well, maybe it will move when I publish this? One can hope...


Blogger Judith HeartSong said...

I hope you get your pig to fly Sandi..... I don't do animation stuff at all and cannot help. I am so glad you are here, you are one of my blessings. judi

7:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Afternoon! Please allow this slight commercialism. As fellow exodus journalists/bloggers, we are letting people know of our new blog called, Directory Assistance. We are hosting to the community a list of names and locations of bloggers who had once been AOL journalists, or are still AOL journalists, but who have opened in exchange, or addition an Internet Blog.

Directory Assistance is published by an advocate team of Vivian, Judith, Patrick, Gabreael, Virginia, Ayn, and Vince (me)
We are offering an open community blog that serves as a form of connection between you and community members like us.

You are invited to stop by Directory Assistance blog and leave questions, comments, concerns, or make additions, changes, or deletions of your blog listing. At the bottom and top of the sidebar Directory list, there will always be the most recent html update of people and journals listed at Directory Assistance, changes will be updated daily.

You are invited to copy these codes freely to your sidebar or blog body and update as often as you would like. Again it is a list of your fellow Journalists/Bloggers (who wish to be included). If you like the service, please let others know. At its starting point, there are approximately 170 of us represented on the list. Thanks for being here and letting us stop by. Let us also know your thoughts!

With all our heart,
Your Directory Assistance

2:37 PM  
Blogger Delcano said...

Still trying to get my
flashing heart to spin
I look at it sitting still
shake my head and grin.

Oh well, thats the way it goes.
Stopped in yo give ya a wave and encouragement. Blessings and happy holidays.


10:33 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy New Year!

6:53 AM  

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